Rostand Medeiros – https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rostand_Medeiros

Adventures and epics at sea have always attracted general interest, and this is a very ancient fascination. Narratives about the elements of maritime nature are almost always worth reading. But typically, the protagonists of these incredible feats are men.

And if a woman were the protagonist of a genuine and gripping sea story, would her accomplishments be equally appreciated in today’s society?

It doesn’t seem like it to me!

This would be the image of Mary Ann Brown as a child.

To my surprise, this remarkable woman, with an incredible story of survival at sea, is largely forgotten in her own country. And it is a country known for highly valuing its own history.

And look, at the time the events happened, she was only 19 years old and pregnant with her first child. But that did not prevent her from taking over as the captain of a large sailboat after her husband, the captain, became seriously ill. She did this in the midst of the treacherous storms of Cape Horn and the Drake Passage, which included extremely cold temperatures, giant waves, hurricane-force winds, and many other challenges. She also faced a tyrannical first officer and a crew that attempted to mutiny. However, she overcame fatigue, fear, and pain, and managed to reach her destination.

This is your story!

A Woman of the Sea

In the northeastern United States, in the state of Massachusetts, lies the great city of Boston. Just in front of it is the city of Chelsea, a place that has had a strong connection with the ocean since its early days. In the mid-19th century, Chelsea developed as a significant industrial center for sailboat construction, establishing itself as a powerhouse in this sector in the United States. This led to the city attracting skilled workers from all over the country. And it was in this city where, in the first decades of the 19th century, the English couple George and Elizabeth Brown arrived.

George was a professional sailor, experienced with many years at sea. In the new city, he quickly became involved in maritime activities. Isabel, as was customary in the 19th century, had the sole objective of her life to care for her home and her children. Even more so as the wife of a sailor, she was often away from home, sometimes for years.

Mary Ann Brown Patten.

But these absences did not prevent George and Elizabeth from creating a large family, whose children were connected to the sea. In this era, it was not surprising that Mary Ann Brown, born in 1837, married at the age of 16 to Joshua Patten, a charming sea captain who was nine years her senior. Mary Ann was described as a beautiful young woman with attractive features, refined and graceful manners, a slim and petite figure, long dark hair, and vibrant brown eyes.

Joshua worked at the helm of sailboats, transporting cargo and passengers from New York to Boston. But he was a rising star among ship captains, so it was no surprise when he was offered the command of a sleek and powerful Clipper.

This type of ship emerged as trade and the global economy expanded. Basically, it was a type of fast-loading sailboat that originated in the United States and had its heyday in the mid-19th century. The most striking features of the ship were its well-cut bow, narrow width in relation to its length, and high achievable speeds. These features resulted in limited cargo space in favor of speed. The masts, posts, and frames were relatively large, and additional downwind sails were often used. This type of vessel requires a large number of experienced and well-prepared crew members and commanders. Joshua Patten was one of them!

A Woman on Board

He was assigned a sailboat weighing more than 1,600 tons, with massive sails, and named Neptune’s Car.

Original drawing of the Clipper Neptune’s Car.

This ship was launched on April 16, 1853, at the Page & Allen Company shipyard in the city of Portsmouth, Virginia. It was later acquired by the transport company Foster & Nickerson’s line from New York. In its time, Neptune’s Car was considered a long and elegant boat. It was 68 meters long, had a beam of 12 meters, and could carry 1,616 tons of cargo. She had three tall masts and carried 25 sails, the largest of which was approximately 70 feet in diameter. A true colossus of its time.

Among the main destinations reached by the fast Clippers were the North American city of San Francisco, on the west coast of the United States. The problem was that, before the Panama Canal, the only way to reach there by sea was to depart from a port on the east coast, with New York being the main one, and sail south along the entire coast of North America.

A painting of the famous Clipper Cutty Sark by Jack Spurling. This ship, which also produces a great whiskey, is entirely preserved in England.

And from the south, crossing the treacherous Cape Horn and the Drake Passage, entering the Pacific Ocean, then tracing the entire South American coastline in a northerly direction, passing along the coast of Mexico, and finally reaching San Francisco. A trip lasting four months and covering approximately 24,000 kilometers. Despite the challenges and obstacles, this route played a crucial role in supporting the booming economy driven by gold mining in California. Shipping companies stood to make enormous profits by delivering food and supplies to the area promptly.

Neptune’s Car had successfully completed its first voyage between New York and San Francisco, with navigation proving to be successful. However, the relationship between the crew left something to be desired. Among the problems that occurred with the commander and the crew, there was no shortage of threats of mutiny. The captain warned that he would shoot anyone who dared to carry out such an idea. Evidently, everyone on board went to the street, and Joshua Patten was called to take command.

Original Clipper Neptune’s Car advertisement.

Soon, Lady Mary Ann Brown Patten insisted on joining her husband on his first voyage as the captain of Neptune’s Car. She had an opportunity that few women of her time would get: to see the world aboard a ship.

They traveled to the southernmost part of the American continent and entered the Pacific Ocean before reaching San Francisco. From this city, a new cargo transport job emerged, and they went to Shanghai, China, where they shipped a large quantity of tea destined for London, England. They returned to the Atlantic Ocean by navigating the treacherous Cape Horn on their way to their destination. They spent several months together at sea before returning to New York, Boston, and Chelsea.

Although women crewing ships was very rare at that time, it was not uncommon for the wives of commanding officers to be present on cargo ships. In the 19th century newspapers, it was common to find news articles on the National Library website about ships anchoring in the port of Rio de Janeiro. These articles would mention the ship’s name, tonnage, cargo, captain, crew members, and even highlight the presence of the commander’s wife, which the newspapers often praised.

Normally, during navigation, the wives of these officers would stay in their cabins, engaging in activities such as reading, knitting, or playing a musical instrument befitting of modest ladies. They would occasionally come out to get some fresh air and accompany their husbands on leisurely walks through the ports of destination.. But for Mary Ann Potter, staying on board would be different.

She didn’t want to merely be the “captain’s wife.” She was determined to be useful and learn everything she could to assist her husband on board the Neptune Car.

It is said that Mary Ann spent her time searching the ship’s small library, reading about the rudimentary medicine of her day, and assisting sailors with their ailments. Joshua, in turn, helped his wife in her quest for knowledge by teaching her the basics of navigation, meteorology, ropes, sails, and other duties of sailors. He also taught his wife how to navigate using equipment such as a sextant, compass, astrolabe, and navigation charts. Despite facing certain financial limitations, Mary received the necessary support from her family in Chelsea to receive an excellent education. She demonstrated no difficulties in grasping complex technical concepts.

What no one aboard the Neptune Car had any idea of was the future usefulness of these teachings.

And it would be a very problematic future!

The Greed of the Unclean

In July 1856, Neptune’s Car was preparing for its second voyage with Captain Joshua in command. Mary Ann would accompany her husband, but she was pregnant with her first child. But only she and Joshua shared this secret. They probably believed that there would be enough time to travel from New York to San Francisco, and that the child would be born in Chelsea upon their return. A somewhat risky idea.

An 1855 painting by Fitz Henry Lane showing New York Harbor.

Well, we know that at that time, women were taught to consider themselves and act as the “weaker sex,” and that they should always protect themselves to avoid problems. But I think Mary Ann missed that class!

The problems soon began.

During the charge, there was an accident, and Joshua’s loyal first officer broke his leg. Financiers Foster & Nickerson, eager to waste no time, placed an inexperienced young man named William Keeler in this delicate position. Something reckless, because after the commander, he was the first officer who made all the decisions on a ship.

The problems continued when Joshua began to feel unwell due to an unknown illness, which would only worsen his condition later. But Foster & Nickerson, a pair of ambitious and heartless capitalists, disregarded their employee’s predicament and cast him into the sea with Keeler.

The main reason for all this rush was that Foster & Nickerson didn’t just want to make a profit from the delivery of cargo. They placed a substantial wager against the owners of three other Clippers ships that were scheduled to travel the same route from New York to San Francisco, all departing simultaneously. Since the Neptune Car was still a relatively new ship, they wanted to demonstrate its capabilities and ensure that it would be the first to reach its destination port. It is true that the winning captain could earn between $1,000 and $3,000, which was considered a fortune at the time, if he completed the voyage first. Despite the encouragement, in fact, the Foster & Nickerson line followed the ancient tradition of wealthy individuals who were willing to risk the lives of their employees in order to outdo other wealthy individuals.

So off they went, and Joshua entrusted Keeler to stay the course while he tried to rest and recover with the assistance of his wife. But Keeler proved himself to be an incompetent idiot in no time at all. His list of infractions is impressive: he slept through half of his shifts, navigated courses through coral reefs, required orders for simple tasks, and ultimately, he outright refused to perform certain tasks with the sailors, such as raising sails. About a month after sailing from New York, Commander Joshua locked himself in his cabin.

The ship was far south and was now facing constant gales of snow and hail. None of the other crew members were able to handle the navigation. The second officer was illiterate, and the third was another idiot who happened to be a friend of Keeler.

Captain Joshua had to stay awake day and night to maintain the correct course. Because of this, he increasingly relied on Mary Ann to help him confirm her position, course, and speed. He acknowledged that she was a better mathematician than he. When the large ship reached the Strait of Le Maire, a narrow maritime passage between the Island of the States and the easternmost part of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, the captain’s condition worsened. He developed a fever, became delirious, and eventually became incapacitated in his cabin. Mary Ann then took charge for the first time.

Painting of a Clipper facing the waves of the feared Cape Horn.

If the problems were already enormous, to complicate things even further, Mother Nature seemed determined to attack that sailboat with all her might. At Cape Horn, the Neptune Car was rocked by fifty-foot waves and winds reaching speeds of 100 miles per hour. The sky darkened, transforming into a swirling mass of clouds, wind, and rain. Unsure of her exact location, Mary Patten decided that her only chance of survival was to temporarily deviate from the shortest course and head west, in anticipation of more favorable conditions. She then steered the ship towards the south-southeast, sailing with the wind. Thus, the Neptune Car quickly escaped the dangers of Cape Horn.

But the biggest threat was still that despicable Keeler.

Captain Mary Ann

Upon learning of the captain’s poor health, he sent Mary a letter offering to assume command if she released him. Given the extreme seriousness of her husband’s situation, she initially accepted the offer. Keeler kindly offered to relieve her of the burden and take control himself. But Mary Ann responded that she could not accept this condition since they had many problems as a couple. Keeler then attempted to incite the crew to mutiny, but fortunately, they refused.

The captain’s condition improved somewhat, and he agreed to let Keeler take the helm to relieve his wife of her duties. He may not have believed in Mary Ann’s abilities, but her condition was also complex. Regardless of this issue, it quickly became evident that it was a significant mistake.

First, due to the captain’s illness, Keeler prohibited Mary Ann from going on deck to take navigational measurements. Then, for reasons still unknown to those who investigated the matter, the first officer began secretly steering the ship towards the Chilean port of Valparaíso, despite explicit orders to go directly to San Francisco. However, he did not possess the competence of the sole woman on board.

Mary Ann, despite being largely confined to the dormitories, noticed that they were veering off course. And to prove it, she set up a basic compass in the captain’s quarters and demonstrated the situation to Joshua. Upon confirming the action and with thousands of dollars’ worth of valuable machinery and supplies for the California gold mining fields on board the ship, the captain ordered the first officer to be confined again, following a heated argument with Mary Ann.

But this was too much for Joshua. The captain developed pneumonia, which only complicated the undiagnosed illness he had at the beginning of the trip: tuberculous meningitis.

Mary, who was still in the sixth month of pregnancy, took full control of the ship. Despite her intellectual disabilities, she received support and assistance from the second officer. The Neptune Car continued to move forward through deadly storms that rocked the ship. Meanwhile, Joshua’s situation became increasingly worse. The infection had spread to his brain, causing him to become delirious, blind, and partially deaf.

Meanwhile, given the situation, Keeler attempted to convince the crew to join him in a mutiny against Mary Ann Patten. He heard the terrible rumors about the conspiracy and feared that desperation would make the crew vulnerable to his control. She couldn’t let that happen. The Dayle Tribune of New York later reported, “Mrs.” Patten gathered the sailors on deck and explained to them the dire situation of her husband, while also requesting their support for her and her second mate. Each man responded to her call with a promise to obey all of her orders. The incomparable Mrs. Patten now directed all movements on board.

Now, Captain Mary Ann Patten warned Keeler that she would report him to the San Francisco authorities for attempted rioting, and he would be sent to jail. It is worth noting that at that time, the most common sentence for mutineers was death by hanging.

Mary later commented that she spent 50 days wearing the same clothes, with minimal time for personal hygiene, amidst extreme stress, surrounded by a challenging team and a very ill husband. She felt the need to take charge of the ship and stay informed about everything that was happening at all times.

A Photograph of the Port of San Francisco in 1851.

Finally, four months after leaving New York, the ship arrived in San Francisco on November 15, 1856. Mary Ann took command and guided the ship to the dock. In total, she was alone in command of the ship for 56 days.

The spectators at the port were surprised. The ship’s second officer shouted for help to lift Captain Patten onto a stretcher. The proud captain looked thin and frail, with a pallid gray face. The dockworkers were even more curious about the presence of a delicate-looking young woman among the crew of men, giving orders. Judging by the roundness of her belly, it was evident that she was approximately six months pregnant. Despite this, she remained by her husband’s side as he was transported to the hospital. Soon, the news spread by word of mouth throughout San Francisco.

A Virginia state newspaper reporting the heroic deeds of Mary Ann Patten.

When the press learned how she managed to command a powerful Clipper, take care of her husband, protect the ship and cargo, and control the rogue first officer, all at the age of 19 and while pregnant, Mary Ann Patten became an instant celebrity. Newspaper after newspaper interviewed her.

Newspapers around the world, including those as far away as London, began reporting this news. Eager journalists began piecing together the sad yet inspiring story. Meanwhile, she discovered that her boat had even come in second place in the “Clippers Race of 1856,” something she was not prepared for. Arriving in San Francisco, Ella Mary became a national sensation.

It turns out that Captain Joshua Patten was a Freemason, and to support him during his illness, they received significant assistance from the California Masonic Temple. They also received support from Freemasonry to return aboard a ship, the George Law, which would take them to New York and then to Boston.

In New York, a journalist from the New York Daily Tribune (page 5, 02/18/1857) commented that the couple was staying at the Battery Hotel. It was mentioned that Joshua was carried in a litter from the ship to the hotel by his Mason brothers. And that his condition was “delicate.” So delicate that the journalist, without any sense, stated that Mary Ann “would soon be a widow.” Even in connection with Freemasonry, where Joshua Patten was before coming to Boston, he received the support of the Masonic brothers.

While the couple returned home, William Keeler never went to prison or faced execution. Still aboard the Neptune Car, he escaped with the assistance of a companion and vanished. He must have changed his name and, who knows, become a gigolo in a Wild West tavern, or a horse thief, or a loan shark, etc.

The Early End of a Sea Warrior

After arriving in Boston and Chelsea, despite the media attention, she encountered a problem with her husband’s company. Even though Mary Ann was pregnant and her husband was very ill, Foster & Nickerson adamantly refused to pay Joshua his salary and bonuses. They claimed that he had handed over the ship to someone “without any training or experience.” They remained stubborn until the end and never paid a single cent, despite the fact that the captain clearly deserved it.

Mary wrote a letter to the insurance company, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, explaining what had happened during the trip. It was only after a public outcry that the company awarded Joshua a $5,000 bonus and showed its magnanimity by sending Mary Ann $1,000. Prize of the year. Anyway, the cargo he saved was worth $350,000.

Journalists who followed the story were not impressed by the “generosity.” The New York Daily Tribune of April 1, 1857 sarcastically proclaimed, “One thousand dollars for a heroine… from the charitable and grateful hands of eight insurance companies with capitals large enough to insure a navy…”

Being an educated woman of the 19th century, she wrote to them to sincerely thank them and asked them to also acknowledge the crew members of Neptune’s Car who had supported her and her husband. And as a Victorian woman, she downplayed her own role, stating that she was “merely fulfilling her duties as a wife for the sake of her husband.”

A Boston newspaper launched a campaign to cover the expenses of Joshua’s ongoing medical care, as well as the upcoming birth of his first child. Mary Ann received $1,399.

As commented by a journalist from the New York Daily Tribune, Mary Ann was soon widowed. Joshua died on July 26, 1857, at the age of 30, at McLean Asylum in Boston. He died blind, deaf, and completely unconscious. He didn’t even know that Mary Ann had given birth to his son, Joshua Patten Jr. On the day of his death, the port’s maritime flags flew at half-mast, and church bells tolled in his honor.

The New York Daily Tribune – 07-28-1857.

But the problems did not end. Shortly after, Mary’s father, who was also a sailor, was lost at sea.

Unfortunately, Mary Ann Brown Patten never fully recovered from the intense experience. In 1860, she also contracted tuberculosis. On March 17, 1861, at the young age of 23 years, 11 months, and 11 days, she died. She is buried in Boston next to her husband.

Mortuary of Mary Ann Patten, in a Baltimore city newspaper.


In Brazil, there is an idea that the United States is a nation that “highly values its history,” that the people there “are very patriotic,” and that it “gives a lot of value to its symbols and heroes.” However, in the case of Mary Ann Patten, this is not so!

Today, despite the significance of the events in 1856, this woman is primarily remembered for being recognized as the first woman to command a merchant ship in the United States. As a tribute to her, a hospital called Patten Health Service Clinic, in the Merchant Navy, bears her name. The Academy of that country is located in King’s Point, New York. And this happened more than 100 years after her accomplishment.

As far as I have researched, no American ship is named after her. Even during World War II, when the United States built an immense fleet of cargo ships, known as “Liberty ships,” with an astonishing total of 2,710 completed, none of them were named in honor of this woman. Several of these ships were named after women. I could be wrong, but I found no reference to her life being the subject of a Hollywood movie or documentary. I know she was the inspiration for a novel, but I haven’t found a more comprehensive literary work about her life.

But what happened to her in 1856 is something that should not be forgotten.


Group of nine B-29 bombers at Parnamirim Field in 1944. Natal was probably the only place in South America to receive this type of aircraft.

Without a doubt, the most revolutionary and expensive aircraft produced during the Second World War was the Boeing B-29. There were several reasons why the B-29s passed through Natal, in the Northeast region of Brazil, to attack distant Japan.

Rostand Medeiros – https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rostand_Medeiros

– Special thanks to my friend João Baptista Rosa Filho for his assistance in providing additional information for this article.


In 1942, there was never any doubt among the highest political and military authorities in the United States that the Japanese Empire, the enemy nation that carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, had to be bombed relentlessly. This situation has always been seen as natural; however, the methods used to achieve it have been questioned[1].

There was no shortage of heavy bomber models produced in the USA. The problem was that, at that time, Nazi Germany and the territories occupied by that nation also needed to be defeated. In the case of Japan, its political and economic center was located much further away from the reach of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress and Consolidated B-24 Liberator bombers.

But on September 21, 1942, the United States, a great industrial power, presented a solution to the case. That day, the XB-29 prototype took off from the city of Seattle in the northwest of the United States.

Boeing factory in Wichita, Kansas and the B-29 manufacturing plant.

Soon, the large four-engine aircraft was called the B-29 Superfortress. It was the largest bomber the world had ever seen at that time. Its size and sophistication, indeed the arrogance of its very creation, stood as monuments to American wealth and ingenuity. Each plane costs more than half a million dollars, which is five times the price of a British Avro Lancaster four-engine bomber. The B-29 project was considered the most expensive of the entire Second World War, costing approximately three billion dollars.

Construction of each four-engine aircraft required approximately 12,250 kg of aluminum sheet metal (27,000 pounds), more than 454 kg of copper (1,000 pounds), 600,000 rivets, 15,290 meters of wiring (9.5 miles), and 3,218 meters of piping. (2 miles). The aircraft was the world’s first pressurized bomber, equipped with a twelve-man crew, and had an impressive operational radius of 5,500 km (3,250 miles). Much more than the approximately 3,300 km (2,050 miles) that the B-17 and B-24 could travel [2]. It had a strong defensive armament battery, consisting of twelve 12.7 mm caliber machine guns in remote turrets, as well as a 20 mm cannon in the tail and central fire control. A fully loaded B-29 weighed over sixty tons.

The United States Army Air Force (USAAF) required that the new aircraft have a speed greater than 550 km/h, so the B-29 was manufactured with a highly elongated, centrally mounted wing In the fuselage circular Section [4]. The aircraft was powered by four Wright R-3350 Duplex Cyclone engines, which were rated at 2,200 to 3,700 hp (1,640 to 2,760 kW) depending on the model [5]. It was powered by 100-octane gasoline and had two turbochargers for each engine, with the aim of enhancing the bomber’s performance at high altitudes [6].

As the B-29 project progressed, anyone visiting the Dugway Proving Ground, located about 90 miles southwest of Salt Lake City in the western U.S. state of Utah, would be surprised to discover an authentic Japanese village.

The place had two dozen faithfully reproduced wooden houses, each furnished with traditional tatami (straw mats spread on the floor). In 1943, this abandoned community was destroyed for the first time by bombers, showcasing the ease and devastating impact of destruction that would later be experienced by cities in Japan. The houses in this community were constructed with fragile materials, which made them particularly vulnerable.[7]

Around the same time, air personnel identified eight priority industrial targets in Japan, Manchuria (China), and Korea. A study from October 1943 noted that only twenty Japanese cities housed 22% of the country’s entire population. It was later identified that if only 30% of these sites were destroyed, 20% of Japanese production would be lost, and the number of victims could reach 560,000 people in a short period of time [8].

The Americans had their goals, but the extensive development required for the B-29 delayed its entry into service until mid-1943. Once the design was complete, four main assembly plants were built by three separate companies, which were widely dispersed, all over the country. 9].

To achieve this feat, there was the largest subcontracting project in the world at that time. A vast network was established to provide materials, equipment, and civil and military training programs [10].

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress could truly be considered an exceptional aircraft. No other major World War II fighter model, regardless of size, had such a short interval between its first flight and its first appearance in enemy territory: only 20 months [11].

But before that someone would have to leave those planes as close to Japan as possible. But where?

A lie on the path of war

On June 1, 1943, the 58th Bombardment Wing (58th BW) was created and activated in the city of Marietta, Georgia. A large unit that housed five bombardment groups was the Bombardment Group or BG. These five units were the 40th Bombardment Group, 444th Bombardment Group, 462nd Bombardment Group, 468th Bombardment Group, and 472nd Bombardment Group, which primarily had training bases in the Kansas region. In turn, each of these bombing groups had three squadrons, with an average allocation of 20 to 30 B-29 aircraft per squadron.

Later, additional Bombardment Wings (BW) were established, each with its corresponding Bombardment Group (BG). The initial idea was to place all of these machines and their operators in the war theater area known as CBI, or China-Burma-India, which was referred to by the Americans. To organize this growing force, the XX Bomber Command was created on March 28, 1944. It established itself in the city of Kharagpur, India and was led by Major General Kenneth B. Wolfe.[12] The B-29s utilized pre-existing airfields at Chakulia, Piardoba, Dudkhundi, and Kharagpur itself. All of these bases were located in South Bengal and were in close proximity to the port facilities of Calcutta.[13] The B-29 bases in China were located in four locations in the Chengdu area, specifically in Kwanghan, Kuinglai, Hsinching and Pengshan[14].

Map showing the area of operation of B-29s to attack Japan from Chinese bases

The B-29 offensive against Japan was called Operation Matterhorn. This operation involved planning the routes for sending B-29s to India and China, as well as determining the use of support bases in these two countries and selecting the targets to be attacked in Japan[15].

While the B-29 and its support and command structure were being created, the Chiefs of Staff decided not to deploy this aircraft to Europe for combat. For the high command, using the B-29 against Germany would deprive the United States of the element of surprise against Japan [16].

Americans and English enjoying a B-29 in England.

To corroborate this plan, in early March 1944, a B-29 with the serial number 41-36963, one of the first to be built, departed from Salina, Kansas and flew to Florida. It took off at night under secret orders. Initially, it flew for an hour over the Atlantic Ocean heading south. Then, the pilot changed course and flew north to Gander Lake, located on the island of Newfoundland, where he landed at the Gander Air Force Base, Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF Station Gander) [17]. From there, “963” flew non-stop to a base in the United Kingdom. The idea was to have technical and tactical personnel from the United States Army Air Forces in Europe evaluate the machine. Over the next two weeks, a thousand citizens, individuals with crucial roles in the war, inspected B-29 “963” at two air bases. In reality, this was all a hoax – an attempt to deceive German intelligence into believing that the B-29 would be stationed in the United Kingdom and target Hitler’s empire [18].

The first B-29 to arrive in India was flown by Colonel Leonard “Jake” Harmon, commander of the 58th Bomb Wing, which took off from Smoky Hill Base in Kansas on March 26, 1944. This B-29, with the serial number 42-6331, arrived at Chakulia, eastern India, seven days later and was delivered to the 40th Bombardment Group.

The first B-29 to arrive in India.

The author of this text then imagined that this first B-29 used the route passing through Natal, crossing the South Atlantic and heading towards the East. But it seems that in the first moments of this operation, the route through Natal was not used.

According to the American writer Robert A. Mann, author of the book B-29 Superfortress-Chronology-1934-1960, from April 1, 1944, eleven B-29s departed from Pratt Air Base, in Kansas. They then landed at the Presque Island base, in the state of Maine, on the border of the United States and Canada, where they continued to Newfoundland and landed at the Gander base[19]. After refueling and their crews were ready, the B-29s flew across the Atlantic Ocean toward USAAF Station 10 at Menara Airport in sunny Marrakesh, Morocco. The trip then continued with a landing in Cairo, Egypt, to finally make the last stretch to Chakulia, India.

Other aircraft continued to use this route, but it was not long before a B-29, number 42-6350, belonging to the 462nd Bombardment Group, suffered an accident in Marrakesh. There were no casualties, but there was a total loss of the plane [20].

The B-29 That Lit Up Natal Eve And Its Survivor

Perhaps due to wear and tear on the crews due to the long crossing of the Atlantic, or on the machines, or the flight time, or the weather conditions, at some point the B-29s began to leave Kansas heading for Natal.

I did not find any additional information indicating the exact beginning of this passage, the correct route used or the number of planes present. But through the report by military doctor George A. Johannessen, delivered on August 23, 2007 to researchers at the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States, we have the information that “the first The B-29s came to Natal.” Dr. Johannessen wondered, “Why would they come in Natal?” [21].

Record of 1st Lieutenant Austin J. Peek, pilot of the B-29 that crashed in Natal, Brazil, on August 10, 1944.

This question from Dr. Johannessen is even more surprising considering that in the same report he states that Natal was the main route for planes departing from the United States. Furthermore, during the winter, it served as an air route for planes from the Eighth Air Force, based in England. He also commented that at the beginning of the conflict, planes headed to West Africa, Sicily, Italy, China, Burma (now Myanmar) and India passed through Natal.

1º Tenente Austin J. Peek.

The doctor reported that the B-29s did not land in Belém and were heading directly to Natal. He simply didn’t comment on where they came from. What if these planes landed in Miami or stopped at Waller Air Force Base on the island of Trinidad (now Trinidad and Tobago)? I owe you!

But they continued to arrive in Natal, the only city in South America that received the B-29s on their way to Japan, the code that Natal received as their destination was UJAW – UNIFORM, JULIET, ALFA, WHISKIE. Without a doubt, a code created to appear in documentation and be used via radio [22].

Copilot 2nd Lieutenant Willard R. Heintzelman, at his wedding.

On August 10, 1944, a B-29 crashed after taking off from Parnamirim Field. Again, through Dr. Johannessen’s story, we have some details of this terrible accident in which there was only one survivor.

What we know about this aircraft is that it was a Boeing B-29-30-BW Superfortress model, number 42-24482. It was delivered to the USAAF on May 24, 1944, at the Boeing factory in Wichita, Kansas [23]. The crew consisted of ten people. They were 1st Lt. Austin J. Peek, pilot, 2nd Lt. Willard R. Heintzelman; co-pilot, 2nd Lt. John F. O’Neill; navigator, 2nd Lt. Leroy Judson; bombardier, 2nd Lt. Dale E. Shillinger; engineer. Of Flight, the third sergeant. Harold R. Brown was the radio operator, Sergeant Kurt F. Seeler served as the radar operator, Corporal Anthony A. Cobbino was the left side gunner, Corporal Walter Roy Newcomb was the right side gunner, and Corporal David C. Prendiz served as the tail gunner.

2nd Lieutenant Willard R. Heintzelman in cold weather flight suit.

According to Dr. Johannessen, the accident occurred around ten o’clock at night on Thursday, August 10th. The B-29 took off to cross the Atlantic, but unfortunately, the plane crashed approximately 5.5 kilometers (3.5 miles) from the Parnamirim field runway, just a few kilometers away from Ponta Negra beach. When this B-29 was preparing to cross the ocean, its fall caused a massive explosion, fueled by the nearly 31,000 liters of 100-octane fuel it was carrying. Dr. Johannessen witnessed this event and stated that “the entire sky lit up” [24].

According to the doctor, navigator John F. O’Neill somehow managed to exit the plane and landed in some bushes, resulting in a minor injury to his pinky finger. In his report, Dr. Johannessen did not comment on the navigator’s use of parachutes.

Corporal David C. Prendiz, tail gunner of the crashed B-29.

Even without having all the data available, when discussing the case by telephone with our friend João Baptista Rosa Filho, known as J. B. Rosa Filho believes that the aircraft accident occurred due to a fire in one of the B-29 engines. This may explain why the B-29 lost power and crashed.

This friend of ours is from the beautiful city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. He has been in the civil aviation sector for 33 years and is a private pilot. He was a test pilot for the gaucho company Aeromot Aeronaves e Motores, worked as a mechanic for the defunct airline Varig, and also writes books about the Second World War. For this seasoned and experienced professional, whatever happened on the B-29 must have been extremely severe and sudden, as he only gave navigator O’Neill enough time to save himself.

Schematic showing the positions of the crew of a B-29.

J. B. Rosa Filho believes that pilot Austin J. Peek and co-pilot Willard R. Heintzelman attempted to regain control of the aircraft in order to make an emergency landing or establish a suitable altitude for everyone to safely parachute. But the plane probably sank quickly since only the navigator, O’Neill, managed to save himself. The friend has no doubt that this survivor used a parachute because the lowest speeds of a B-29, without loss of lift, were around 150 km/h. The impact of a person against some bushes at that speed surely wouldn’t be significant enough. It doesn’t only affect his little finger.

The successful exit of the navigator from the plane can be attributed to his seating position in the front cockpit. His workstation was located directly behind the pilot, providing him with a view towards the rear of the plane and to the left, as well as access to an evacuation hatch.

Exhaust configurations of a B-29.

Following the instructions of our friend J. B. Rosa Filho, possibly John F. O’Neill, noticed that one of the engines was on fire and realized that the B-29 was in danger. Afterwards, regardless of whether he received an order to do so, he unfastened his seat belt, opened the door, and swiftly entered the hallway to save his life. The Great Architect of the Universe completed the picture to facilitate his jump by providing some mangaba trees at the place of his landing [25].

Even with the invaluable help of an experienced aviation professional, such as J. B. Rosa Filho, of course, everything I write about this accident is speculative. But what is certain is that on that night, amidst the Natal skies, John F. O’Neill was a very fortunate man!

B-29 on Fire.

We know that there were reports from many people in Natal who observed a strong flash in the sky overnight. But it is worth noting that there were other cases of accidents and aircraft destruction in the Parnamirim field region.

Paulo Pinheiro de Viveiros commented in his book “História da Aviação no Rio Grande do Norte” that “The entire city was surprised when, at 9 p.m. on February 6, 1942, a large red flash suddenly illuminated the sky, starting from the south side, near the Atlantic” [26].

B-17 accident at Parnamirim Field in 1942.

The aircraft in question was a B-17, which, like the B-29 in August 1944, crashed shortly after takeoff. It was a B-17E, numbered 41-2482. The plane was fully loaded with gasoline and was completely destroyed. Nine crew members died, and they were all buried in the Alecrim cemetery.

Disappearance in the Atlantic

Exactly one month and eight days after this accident, another B-29 was lost. He left Natal and simply disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean.

The aircraft was a Martin-Omaha B-29-1-MO Superfortress, numbered 42-65203, built under license by the Glenn L. Martin Company of Omaha, Nebraska, and delivered to the USAAF on June 2, 1944. It departed from the United States on August 24, 1944, and disappeared on September 18. The plane was heading to Accra airport, the capital of the then British colony of the Gold Coast (currently the Republic of Ghana), in West Afric,a after taking off from Natal.

Official United States Army Air Force document (MACR 8525), about the disappearance of the B-29 that took off from Natal in September 1944.

According to the official report, this B-29 crashed into the sea 2,250 kilometers (1,400 miles) from Natal, and the entire ten-man crew disappeared. They were 1st Lt. Hugh T. Roberts, pilot; 2nd Lt. John T. Kirby, co-pilot; 2nd Lt. LaVerne Bebermeyer, navigator; 2nd Lt. Paul Clyde Oberg, flight engineer; 2nd Lt. Roxy D. Menta, bombardier; Second Lieutenant David Maas, Central Fire Control Operator – CFC; Sergeant Conrad I. Bruflat, gunner; Corporal James Husser, left gunner; Corporal James Woodie Day Jr., radio operator; and Corporal John G. Giannios, right gunner.

When examining the document referencing this disaster (MACR 8525), I discovered the following information regarding the weather conditions on that day and in that specific area. “Cumulus clouds are typically scattered or broken, with their peaks at 8,000 feet. The winds at flight level range between 50° and 100°, with speeds ranging from 14 to 25 knots, and an average of 16 knots.”

B-29 in the water and its crew in lifeboats.

I will once again draw upon the experience of my friend J. B. Rosa Filho informed me that the weather conditions presented would not be problematic for an airplane like the B-29 to attempt a water landing. The airplane measured 30.18 meters in length, 43.05 meters in wingspan, 8.46 meters in height, and had a wing area of 161.3 square meters.

My friend João Baptista Rosa Filho, who helped a lot in preparing this article, with his knowledge about aviation, the result of 33 years of good work in this area.

There are several reports and photographs showing B-29 aircraft that crashed into the sea but remained partially afloat, allowing their crews valuable time to escape in lifeboats. But for this to happen, the pilots would have to successfully land the large plane on the water without tipping over and ensure the integrity of the aircraft is maintained. However, J. B. Rosa Filho reminds us that landing on water requires a certain level of experience and training on the part of the crew. In the case of the B-29 with the serial number 42-65203, it is unclear whether the pilot and co-pilot’s knowledge could have been of assistance in this situation.

2nd Lieutenant LaVerne Bebermeyer, B-29 navigator who disappeared at sea.

In the case of this aircraft, it is highly probable that it experienced a severe mechanical failure while airborne, resulting in such extensive damage that there was no opportunity to take any action. Another idea is that the crew made a mistake by submerging the machine in the water.

Furthermore, the American authorities had such limited information about this accident that it appears the conditions for a search and rescue operation were not met. If these searches occurred by chance, there is not a single comment, let alone a comma, indicating their beginning and end, or their results.

2nd Lieutenant Paul Clyde Oberg, flight engineer.

While other MACR-type reports present an enormous amount of information about damaged or missing aircraft, the case of B-29 42-65203 is an exception. It is unknown whether there was any radio contact, distress call, or if any boat or plane in the area reported seeing life jackets, aircraft parts, or bodies. Absolutely nothing!

Corporal James Husser, B-29 left gunner.

This B-29 belonged to the 462nd Bombardment Group (BG), and its ten crew members were declared dead on October 27, 1948.


It may seem that these two reported accidents indicate that the route across the Atlantic Ocean to India and China posed problems for B-29 aircraft. But while researching this topic, I discovered that the utilization of the already established transport routes to the East by these planes was highly successful.

In his book “B-29 Superfortress-Chronology-1934-1960,” Robert A. Mann highlights that there were only seven accidents on the route from the United States to India between April 2 (the arrival of the first B-29 in India) and September 18, 1944 (when the B-29 29 that left Natal went missing in the Atlantic). No fewer than 163 of these heavy bombers managed to land safely on Indian soil.[28]

Refueling work for a B-29.

In this informative list, the author indicates the number of aircraft involved, the squadrons to which they belonged, and even the name that the crews gave to these aircraft [29]. Unfortunately, the author did not comment on the routes followed by these B-29s. However, they reported that during this period, there were numerous issues when these aircraft were stationed in India or utilizing bases in China for attacking Japan. The author notes that during this period, 52 B-29 aircraft were lost or severely damaged, resulting in several fatalities.

Unlike the American heavy bombers operating in Europe, whose bases were located in Great Britain and Italy, and therefore close to enemy territory, the B-29s based in India and China were further away from Japan. Additionally, bombers in Europe had a more organized and closely-knit support infrastructure. In the East, the situation was much more complicated. An example: Several B-29s were converted into transport planes because, in order to launch attacks on Japan from Chinese bases, the Americans had to transport fuel, bombs, and other necessary supplies from India. The expenses were astronomical.

Chinese leveling one of the B-29 runways.

In China, B-29s flew from four newly created bases, which were built by thousands of Chinese workers who assembled everything manually. The take-off runways were constructed using crushed rock and transported with minimal machinery. The leveling of the tracks was done using enormous stone rollers, which were pulled by multiple men and women. Unfortunately, hundreds of Chinese workers lost their lives in accidents during this process. They were locations where the structures hindered the maintenance, takeoffs, and landings of the aircraft. Adding to this challenge is the fact that air routes connecting India and China pass over the Himalayan mountains, which are the highest in the world and often experience severe weather conditions.[30]

Brazilian newspapers reporting the actions and offensives of the B-29s over Japan.

Max Hastings notes in “Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45” that the airlift to Kunming, the capital and largest city of Yunnan province in northern China, was considered one of the most dangerous and unpopular missions of World War II. This mission resulted in a cumulative loss of 450 aircraft. Crew efficiency and morale were notoriously low. Airmen who survived plane crashes had to endure some of the most remote and untamed regions in the world, inhabited by indigenous people who occasionally spared their lives but always confiscated their belongings.

Hastings believes that the initial B-29 attacks in the East were a “hoax.” According to him, the biggest threat to the survival of the crews was not the enemy’s fighters and anti-aircraft guns, but their own planes. As one commander put it, his B-29 had “as many insects as the entomology department at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.” The hydraulics, electricity, machine gun and cannon turrets, and especially the power plants, were found to be highly unreliable.

Curtiss Wright R-3350 engine preserved in a museum in the United States.

The four Curtis Wright R-3350 engines were “a mechanic’s nightmare.” Due to an alarming tendency of the rear cylinders to overheat, partly caused by the minimal clearance between the cylinder baffles and the cowling, the engines were always prone to bursting into flames during flight. These engines were also found to have an additional tendency to ingest their own valves. Additionally, the magnesium parts were burned and melted.

One of the engines from the famous B-29 “Enola Gay” cockpit, which on August 6, 1945 dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Photo taken in the United States by friend Ricardo Argm, from Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.

Due to the high magnesium content in the crankcase alloy, engine fires could occur, sometimes burning at a temperature of approximately 5600°F (3100°C). The engines remained temperamental, and overheating problems, which were not fully resolved, were often so severe that the main spar could burn out in a matter of seconds, leading to catastrophic wing failure.[31]

Pilot Jack Caldwell recorded that “the plane always felt like it was straining every rivet at over 25,000 feet.” Adding to all the problems of the B-29s were the inexperience and deficiencies of their crews. The USAAF recognized that the challenges in training crews to pilot this “warship of the skies” were monumental.

Photo of the attack on Yawata.

And the missions became difficult. On August 19, 1944, 71 B-29 aircraft were prepared to bomb the Yawata steel plant on the island of Kyushu, Japan. 61 planes flew during the day, and 10 flew during the night. Five B-29s were destroyed by enemy action, two crashed before or during takeoff, and eight more were lost due to technical failures. Only 112 tons of bombs were delivered, resulting in the loss of $7.5 million worth of aircraft and their valuable crews.[32]

The B-29 Enola Gay, photographed in the United States by friend Ricardo Argm, from Recife.

This monumental effort enabled the B-29s to launch attacks on Japan from outside of China, albeit with significant risk and minimal outcomes. The USAAF was uncomfortable with the overwhelming amount of positive publicity given to the new giant bombers in the United States, as it captivated the public’s imagination. Commanders knew how little the planes were actually accomplishing.[33]

Brazilian newspapers reporting the actions and offensives of the B-29s over Japan.

Near the End

While the routes across the Atlantic Ocean, whether through Natal or Newfoundland, were safe, the distances from Kansas to India were enormous: between 16,000 and 17,000 kilometers. Added to this were the dangerous air routes between India and China, with the Himalayan mountains in between, in addition to the dangers of facing Japanese extremists in their country. The cost was extremely high in terms of fuel, aircraft and, most importantly, human lives. Soon, the American command ordered the famous “Marines” to land on the islands of Saipan, Guam and Tinian between June and July 1944. These islands were part of the group known as the Marianas.

Hundreds of B-29s at a Mariana Islands air base.

At a cost of more than 5,400 Marines killed and 18,000 wounded, the Americans successfully captured these strategically important islands and quickly began construction of landing strips for B-29s.

The distance from Kansas to the Mariana Islands is 11,300 kilometers, while the distance from Tinian, for example, to Japan is approximately 2,400 kilometers. Large foundations were laid and a complete structure was established.

Cockpit of the B-29 Enola Gay, photographed in the United States by friend Ricardo Argm, from Recife.

With this, the Americans no longer needed to send their powerful bombers to fight across the Atlantic Ocean. They left California, flew over the vast Pacific Ocean and reached the new bases through the Hawaiian Islands.[34]

Other bases were soon built on newly conquered islands, such as Iwo Jima. Attacks on Japan became an everyday occurrence, with hundreds of B-29s involved. These aircraft were constantly improved, their defects were corrected and they were used more effectively.

By August 1945, the B-29s had devastated Japan’s military, naval facilities, and industry. Although the country lacked significant military resources, the Americans carried out the controversial atomic bomb attacks on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The B-29 that dropped the Hiroshima bomb, named “Enola Gay”, departed from Tinian [35]…


[1] See Hastings, Max. Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2008, Page 333.

[2] See Hastings, Max. Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 Alfred A. Knopf. New York, 2008, Pages 333 and 334.

[3] Haulman, Daniel L. Hitting Home – The Air Offensive Against Japan, Air Force History and Museums Program, 1999, p. 6.

[4] http://delprado.com.br/blog/2012/05/22/b-29-superfortress/

[5] Bowers, Peter M. Warbird Tech Series – B-29 Superfortress. Specialty Press Publishers and Wholesalers, Minnesota, 1999. Page 14.

[6] Haulman, Daniel L. Hitting Home – The Air Offensive Against Japan, Air Force History and Museums Program, 1999, p. 7.

[7] In addition to the Japanese village, the American military faithfully reproduced a German village. During World War II, the two sites were bombed at least 27 times and rebuilt in order to test the use of incendiary weapons against populated cities. See The Asia-Pacific Journal-Japan Focus, April 15, 2018, Volume 16, Issue 8, Number 3, Article ID 5136. Available at https://apjjf.org/2018/08/Plung.html

[8] Hastings, Max. Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 Alfred A. Knopf. New York, 2008, Page 333.

[9] Two factories were operated by Boeing, one in the city of Renton, Washington, and the other in Wichita, Kansas. There was a factory controlled by the Bell company, in the city of Marietta, state of Georgia and a plant owned by Martin’s company in the city of Omaha, capital of the state of Nebraska. See Bowers, Peter M. Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 1999. Pages. 319 and 322.

[10] Bowers, Peter M. Warbird Tech Series – B-29 Superfortress. Specialty Press Publishers and Wholesalers, Minnesota, 1999. Page 100.

[11] Bowers, Peter M. Warbird Tech Series – B-29 Superfortress. Specialty Press Publishers and Wholesalers, Minnesota, 1999. Page 4.

[12] Haulman, Daniel L. Hitting Home – The Air Offensive Against Japan, Air Force History and Museums Program, 1999, p. 9.

[13] See https://www.456fis.org/HISTORY_OF_THE_B-29.htm

[14] See https://www.456fis.org/HISTORY_OF_THE_B-29.htm

[15] Graham, Simmons M. B-29 Superfortress – Giant bomber of World War Two and Korea, Pen & Sword Aviation, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England. Pages 97 and 98.

[16] Haulman, Daniel L. Hitting Home – The Air Offensive Against Japan, Air Force History and Museums Program, 1999, p. 7. And Pace, Steve. Boeing B-29 Superfortress The Crowood Prees, Berkshire, England, 2003. Page 94.

[17] For Canadians, the Gander base has the same historical aspect that Natal has for Brazilians, as a location located in a useful strategic point, which served Allied aviation during the Second World War, where immense facilities were built to receive thousands of professionals and their transport and patrol aircraft against submarines. Canadians from Newfoundland claim that Gander was “The largest airport in the world in World War II”. About RCAF Station Gander see https://www.heritage.nf.ca/articles/politics/gander-base.php

[18] Graham, Simmons M. B-29 Superfortress – Giant bomber of World War Two and Korea, Pen & Sword Aviation, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England. Pages 84 to 86.

[19] Mann, Robert A, B-29 Superfortress-Chronology-1934-1960, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina, and London. Page 31.

[20] About this accident see https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/98390

[21] Dr. Johannessen was a native of Seattle, Washington, and was born on January 10, 1919. During World War II he served as an officer in the United States Army Medical Administration Corps (US Army) at several hospitals in the United States. United States and the South Atlantic region, including hospitals in Belém and Natal. In his rich report he commented that he even treated German prisoners who were brought to his hospital, captured by the sinking of a submarine. See https://oralhistory.rutgers.edu/interviewees/1011-johannessen-george-a

[22] Mann, Robert A, B-29 Superfortress-Chronology-1934-1960, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina, and London. Page 15.

[23] More details about the accident see https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/98432

[24] We do not know if this plane crashed in Natal had all its fuel capacity, but we know that the fuel in the B-29s was transported in fourteen tanks on the outer wing, eight on the inner wing and four tanks in the bombing area, giving a maximum capacity of almost 31,000 liters, or 8,168 US gallons. A modification added four tanks to the center section of the wing, bringing total fuel capacity to almost 36,000 liters, or 9,438 US gallons. See https://www.456fis.org/HISTORY_OF_THE_B-29.htm

[25] Military physician Dr. George A. Johannessen’s account does not guarantee that the survivor of the B-29 crash on August 10, 1944 was navigator John F. O’Neill. But on the website https://pt.findagrave.com/memorial/52036385/walter-roy-newcomb there is confirmation of this information.

[26] Viveiros, Paulo P. History of Aviation in Rio Grande do Norte, Editora Universitária, Natal-RN, Brazil, 1974. Pages. 158 and 159.

[27] More about this accident see – https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/98447 and https://www.newspapers.com/clip/6331827/2nd-lt-laverne-bebermeyer-still/

[28] Mann, Robert A, B-29 Superfortress-Chronology-1934-1960, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina, and London. Pages. 32 to 34. The first of these accidents was in Marrakesh (previously mentioned in the text), the second was with plane B-29 number 42-6249, happened on April 18, at Payne Field, Cairo, Egypt, due to a storm of sand and there were no deaths. The three other accidents all occurred on April 21, in the Karachi region, Pakistan, due to engine problems and the consequences of a sandstorm. Those involved were B-29 planes numbers 42-6345, 42-6369 and 42-63357. In this last accident there were five deaths. More details about some of these accidents see https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/98393 and https://pt.findagrave.com/memorial/90940187/christopher-d-montagno

[29] Mann, Robert A, B-29 Superfortress-Chronology-1934-1960, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina, and London. Pages. 31 to 37.

[30] See https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/2016/09/07/operation-matterhorn/

[31] See https://www.fighter-planes.com/info/b29.htm

[32] Hastings, Max. Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 Alfred A. Knopf. New York, 2008, Page 334.

[33] Hastings, Max. Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 Alfred A. Knopf. New York, 2008, Page 335.

[34] Pace, Steve. Boeing B-29 Superfortress The Crowood Prees, Berkshire, England, 2003. Page 88.

[35] Pace, Steve. Boeing B-29 Superfortress The Crowood Prees, Berkshire, England, 2003. Pages 97 to 102.


Rostand Medeiros – IHGRN.

Publicado originalmente no site tokdehistoria.com em 25/06/2016.

Em um tempo quando o mar não trazia tanto lixo para a terra e um vasilhame de vidro usado tinha certo valor comercial, à beira mar da bela praia potiguar de Muriú alguém encontrou uma garrafa que continha uma mensagem com um conteúdo diferente[1].

Típica garrafa inglesa do final do século XIX com uma mensagem.

É quase certo que quem a encontrou, em fins de novembro de 1876, não tinha a menor ideia do que ali estava escrito, já que nessa época grande parte dos norte-rio-grandenses era analfabeta.

É provável, como seria normal deduzir, que a pessoa que realizou este achado fosse um pescador, mas talvez não! Apesar da comunidade de Muriú já existir[2], a beira mar era uma ótima alternativa como via de circulação de pessoas montadas em alimárias, em carroças, ou até mesmo a pé[3].

Praia de Muriú na atualidade. Local aprazivel, ainda com uma comunidade de pescadores, visitado por milhares de turistas que circulam pelo local no passeio de buggys e ótima praia de veraneio – Fonte – http://www.praiasdenatal.com.br/praia-de-muriu/

Fosse uma pessoa livre, ou um escravo que sofria nos engenhos de cana de açúcar da região de Ceará Mirim, é provável que esta pessoa tenha levado aquela garrafa com sua mensagem para ser lida por alguém mais instruído. Naqueles tempos anteriores a criação de comunicação, a descoberta deste tipo de mensagem requeria atenção e normalmente era encaminhada a autoridades.

Sabemos que o objeto chegou lacrado no litoral, provavelmente com betume utilizado para calafetar embarcações[4], mas não sabemos se ela foi aberta antes de percorrer as cinco léguas de distância que separavam Muriú da pequena Natal, que neste tempo tinha superado pouco mais de 20.000 habitantes[5].

Letras Desesperadas

Acredito que na capital potiguar a mensagem e a garrafa foram encaminhadas às autoridades portuárias e alfandegárias, onde certamente haveria algum funcionário afeito ao idioma bretão, pois não era incomum a presença de barcos ingleses no porto da Cidade dos Reis.

Após aberto o recipiente surgiu uma mensagem que foi publicada na íntegra pelo pouco conhecido jornal natalense O Atalaia, na sua edição de 2 de dezembro de 1876, na página três, conforme reproduzimos na fotografia abaixo[6].

Em 29 de setembro daquele ano um tripulante, ou passageiro, escreveu que estava a bordo de um barco inglês, que os jornalistas potiguares designaram como “galera”, e que se chamava Collingrone. Este barco aparentemente se encontrava na costa sudoeste da África (ou “suéste”, como está descrito no texto original)[7].

Quem escreveu narrou que um “Máo tempo” tinha destruído a vela bujarrona e outras velas do barco. Mais grave ainda era a informação de que quatro pessoas a bordo já tinham perecido “pela febre”.

Em meio a este cenário um tanto caótico, em um texto onde a desesperança e o medo são claros, a mensagem encontrada em Muriú é bem direta ao apontar a objetiva finalidade do autor – Que alguém que porventura encontrasse a missiva, a destinasse para a mãe de quem escreveu. A destinatária seria a esposa de Mr. John Bryce, que vivia na Fountain House, na pequena cidade de Loanhead, próximo a Edimburgo, a capital da Escócia[9].

Dia festivo em Loanhead, Escócia, 1879 – Fonte – http://lothianlives.org.uk/category/photographs/

Pesquisando na internet descobri que Loanhead possui na sua área algumas localidades e casas históricas que utilizam a denominação “Fountain” (Fonte), mas não especificamente algum ponto conhecido como “Fountain House” (Casa da Fonte).

Ao pesquisar algo sobre um certo John Bryce, ou sua esposa, que viviam em Loanhead na metade da década de 1870, esbarrei em um verdadeiro paredão de nomes similares, que só me levavam a becos sem saída.

Como a edição do periódico “O Atalaia”, conforme podemos ver na foto aqui mostrada, nada mais trazia informações sobre o tema eu fui procurar em outros jornais da época. Infelizmente nada encontrei no material arquivado na hemeroteca do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Norte, ou nos jornais potiguares digitalizados e disponíveis na Biblioteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional.

A história toda era muito limitada e necessitava de novas pesquisas para responder a vários questionamentos. Tais como a natureza deste veleiro e quem escreveu a mensagem? Qual a nacionalidade do barco? Qual era sua rota marítima? O que aconteceu com esta nave e o autor da mensagem?

Mastros que poderiam chegar a alturas de um prédio de vinte andares

Pessoalmente eu tenho uma grande admiração pela Grã-Bretanha, principalmente pelo prazer que os súditos da Rainha Elizabeth II têm pela sua história e pelo intenso esforço que instituições britânicas fazem para democratizar preciosas informações históricas guardadas em seus arquivos através da internet. Assim, sem maiores contratempos, é possível acessar os arquivos do Lloyd Register, uma organização de classificação marítima que remonta a 1760[10].

O clipper Collingrove – Fonte – collections.slsa.sa.gov.au

Mas ao pesquisar neste arquivo altamente acurado não encontrei nenhuma referência sobre algum veleiro denominado Collingrone, registrado na Inglaterra e que navegava na década de 1870. Mas sempre esbarrava na referência de um grande clipper denominado Collingrove. E comecei a suspeitar que 140 anos atrás os membros da redação de O Atalaia haviam reproduzido equivocadamente o nome do barco.

O Collingrove era uma embarcação do tipo clipper, foi construído em 1869 pelo estaleiro de Sir James Laing & Sons Ltd., em Deptford Yard, na cidade de Sunderland, Nordeste da Inglaterra. Tinha 861 toneladas brutas, 181,4 metros de comprimento, 33,5 de largura e foi registrado em Londres no início dos anos 1870 para a empresa de navegação A. L. Elder & Co.

O barco estava envolvido no comércio de carga e transporte de imigrantes entre a Inglaterra e o sul da Austrália, se destinando principalmente para a cidade de Port Adelaide e retornando a Londres. Podia transportar 75 passageiros e carga geral.

Outra imagem do Collingrove – Fonte – collections.slsa.sa.gov.au

O Clipper Collingrove fazia parte de uma classe de barcos que marcou época, sendo os mais rápidos, elegantes e imponentes veleiros desenvolvidos no século XIX. Estas belas naves começaram a ser construídos a partir da década de 1830 e várias qualidades definiram a história deste tipo de veleiro. Um clipper era tecnicamente um navio com três mastros, que possuía uma grande extensão de velas quadradas, muito rentável em longas distâncias e que desenvolviam alta velocidade. Com mastros que poderiam chegar a ser tão altos quanto um prédio de vinte andares, linhas de casco longas, combinados ao enorme poder de condução das velas, fazia com que a maioria deles percorressem 250 milhas náuticas em um único dia. Os melhores atingiam velocidades que cobriam 400 milhas por dia.

Um típico clipper, mostrando toda sua imponência e elegância – Fonte – http://www.oilpaintingsframes.com

Já o Collingrove era considerado um barco muito regular e seguro. Relatos apontam que seu tempo mais rápido entre Londres e Port Adelaide foi de 65 dias e os mais lentos 85, com uma média de 74 dias por viagem. Era comum nestas grandes viagens que os clippers seguissem com um médico a bordo para atender os passageiros e não era incomum haver em alguns destes barcos uma vaca para fornecer leite fresco. Como o tempo de viagem era longo, sem escalas, era normal o incentivo para que os passageiros que tinham algum dom artístico, realizassem apresentações. 

Medo de Viajante

Descobri através dos arquivos do Collingrove que em 1876 o seu comandante, ou Mestre, como os ingleses designavam, era H. Angel, um veterano navegador, sem máculas em sua ficha e com extrema capacidade profissional.

Nota de jornal mostrando uma das partidas do Collingrove em 1876.

Aparentemente o que a carta na garrafa significou foi apenas o medo de uma pessoa pouco experiente com viagens marítimas, em meio a uma tempestade que danificou, mas não afundou o Collingrove. Certamente esta pessoa também estava extremamente estressada diante das mortes em decorrência de uma febre em um ambiente limitado, em um tempo onde as pessoas pouco compreendiam a possibilidade de contrair esse tipo de doença.

Infelizmente nada encontrei que apontasse que no final de 1876 este barco tenha se envolvido em uma tempestade que o deixou com danos de tal ordem que significasse um perigo real de afundamento e nada sobre mortes provocadas por um surto de febre.

O clipper Collingrove anhcorado na Austrália – Fonte – collections.slsa.sa.gov.au

Como notas finais desta história marítima posso comentar que o Collingrove continuou navegando por mais 24 anos sem maiores alterações, até ser vendido no ano de 1900 em Xangai.

Já o experiente comandante H. Angel, em outro barco da empresa A. L. Elder & Co., comandou o mais famoso dos tripulantes de barcos clippers. Este foi o imigrante polonês chamado Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, que na Inglaterra passou a ser conhecido como Joseph Conrad.

O escritor Joseph Conrad. Por conta de sua experiência de trabalho em clippers, muitas das suas obras centram-se em marinheiros e no mar.

Considerado um dos maiores romancistas a escrever no idioma inglês, foi um mestre da prosa que trouxe uma sensibilidade diferenciada para a literatura inglesa. Nas suas obras Conrad escreveu contos e romances, muito destes baseados na sua larga experiência náutica, enquanto explorava profundamente a psicologia humana, retratando através de ensaios um universo impassível, inescrutável.

Um visitante regular para Port Adelaide a partir do momento que ela foi construída até o final de 1890.









[1] Enviar garrafas com mensagens pelo mar não é nada recente na história da humanidade. o primeiro registro de uma mensagem lançada ao mar foi realizado pelo filósofo grego Theophrastus que, por volta de 310 a.C. jogou garrafas ao Mar Mediterrâneo para tentar provar que as águas deste mar eram formadas por um fluxo que vinha do Mar Atlântico. Este pensador é considerado o sucessor imediato de Aristóteles, por quem foi nomeado como sucessor e guardião de toda a biblioteca de seu mentor! Sobre este tema ver – http://tcmuseum.org/collections/message-in-a-bottle/

[2] Nesta época Muriú já tinha um quadro populacional que necessitava de uma escola primária. Nas páginas 45 e 46 da Coleção de Leis Provinciais do Rio Grande do Norte para os anos de 1872 e 1873, encontramos a Lei nº 667, sancionada pelo então Presidente da Província João Bandeira de Mello Filho, em um exemplar existente na biblioteca do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Norte, se lê no seu Artigo 1º que “Ficam criadas cinco cadeiras de instrução primaria para o sexo masculino nossa lugares Muriú e Capela, do município de Ceara Mirim, Poço Limpo, do Natal, Laranjeiras, do de São José de Mipibu, e praia do Tibau, do de Goianinha”. Vale frisar que grande parte das comunidades de pescadores que conhecemos hoje entre a capital potiguar e a cidade litorânea de Touros também já existiam.

[3] Em 25 de maio de 2016, junto com o pesquisador argentino, radicado em Natal, German Zaunseder, ao realizar uma pesquisa sobre a chegada de um grupo de náufragos ingleses na cidade litorânea de Rio do Fogo em 1941, entrevistamos o Sr. Miguel Alves de Souza, nascido nesta comunidade em 18 de setembro de 1921. Sobre a carência de estradas e transportes para as comunidades do litoral potiguar, ele comentou que até sua juventude era normal as pessoas da localidade seguirem principalmente em barcos para Natal. Mas não era incomum que muitos realizassem este trajeto pela beira mar em lombo de animais e até mesmo a pé. 

[4] Popularmente conhecido como piche, é uma mistura líquida de alta viscosidade, cor escura e inflamável. É formada por compostos químicos (hidrocarbonetos), e que pode tanto ocorrer na natureza como ser obtido artificialmente, em processo de destilação do petróleo. Produto conhecido desde a Antiguidade é considerado uma das melhores opções para acabamento e calafetagem para impedir vazamentos de cascos de barcos de madeira. Ver – http://lojadoimper.blogspot.com.br/2014/11/primeira-referencia-sobre.html

[5] A população de Natal em 1876 se equivaleria atualmente ao do município de Monte Alegre. Ver – https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_de_municípios_do_Rio_Grande_do_Norte_por_população . Sobre números da população de Natal ao longo de sua história ver – http://www.webcitation.org/6OL6BlLnX

[6] O jornal O Atalaia era um jornal de apenas quatro páginas, publicado duas vezes por mês, sendo apresentado como “Literário, crítico, noticioso e dedicado aos interesses da liberdade, igualdade e do progresso”. Tinha a sua sede na Rua Correia Telles, número 29, Ribeira e era impresso na tipografia Independência, na Rua Santo Antônio. Só encontrei apenas um exemplar deste jornal, disponível nos jornais potiguares digitalizados e disponíveis na Biblioteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional.

[7] É possível que este barco não estivesse tão próximo da costa africana. Pois a garrafa teria sido lançada ao mar em 29 de setembro de 1876 e chegou à praia de Muriú cerca de um mês após.

[9] Na atualidade Loanhead é uma pequena comuna onde habitam pouco menos de 7.000 escoceses e fica localizada a cerca de dez quilômetros ao sul da dinâmica cidade de Edimburgo. Ver https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loanhead

[10] Para pesquisar sobre antigos barcos nos registros do Lloyds, acesse http://www.lrfoundation.org.uk/public_education/reference-library/register-of-ships-online/